Progress bar with Marquee Mode


Im working with progress bar and I jump into an issue with the marquee mode.

When I use the marquee mode the image change prefectly but then the percentage value is not applied.

What I want to do is a progress bar, normal, and the moment it fill up set the marquee to true until it decrease completely, then I will uncheck the marquee mode.

Attach to image with the problem I describe.


Can you check your style and post it here?


oh, ok now I understood your problem, really sorry for that.

Usually marquee are used for cases where your limit is undefined, like a loading amount of time or making an online request to an API.

Anyway, for your case I suggest you to use material instead, and apply it on progress.

Create a material using panner: Animating UV Coordinates | Unreal Engine Documentation

then apply it to your progress bar.

Sorry for the delay answer, I´ve been ver busy. That explained why I can do what I wanted with marquee checkBox. I will try the panner material instead.