Source built engine not working for art team.

I’m building the Engine/Editor from the source code from Git. It builds and runs fine on my machine in VS 2017. However I submitted the Binaries folder to Perforce and the art team cannot load the Editor from there. I’m also able to run the editor directly from the exe in the Binaries/Win64 folder.

They get an error:
Plugin ‘OnlineSubsystem’ failed to load because module ‘OnlineSubsystem’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

I solved the above problem by copying all the plugin dll’s to the Engine\Binaries\Win64 folder. I’m not sure if that is the correct solution but nothing else I tried worked.

Now the artist can get to the launcher, but can’t run the project because it requires installing Visual Studio 2017. I tried building the editor as “Development Editor” and still same problem.

Is there some way to make its o the artists can use the editor that is built with the source code without installing Visual Studio?

One of the artists has visual studio installed and they get this error

"This project was made with a different version of the Unreal Engine. Converting to this version will rebuild your code projects.

New features and improvements sometimes cause PI changes, which may require you to modify your code before it compiles. Content saved with newer versions of the editor will not open in older version.

We recommend you open a copy of your project to avoid damaging the original."

Since I build the project and entire engine before submitting, why does it think the project and editor don’t match?