Particle disappearing based on position


I have multiple emitters from 2 different Particle System within the same area. Some are GPU some are not but they’re all acting the same.

I can move as far as I want on the Z axis the particles stay there, but if I start turning around they disappear really quickly. I managed by playing with the bounding box to have extra space, but as soon as I go in direction of the Negative Y, they disappear.

Also a weird bug I had is when growing the bounding box, they disappeared when I was close and reappeared when I went far away.

Hope someone have an answer!

Thank you

once you set the bounding box you will need to restart ue4 in most cases.

Hi Luos,

It half worked… in fact it works in all map but the one I want to put it in.

Do you know if something in the map could do that?

Thank you!