FBX Scene Reimport Doesn't Work

I can’t get the FBX Full Scene Reimport to work as it should.
I’ve imported my scene as a blueprint and now I want to update only one asset, but it doesn’t detect which meshes that have diffs, so it wants to import the whole scene again, which takes a very long time, and shouldn’t be necessary.

What I have to do is find the name of the asset and only check that asset manually in the reimport window, which kind of defeats the purpose of this whole Full Scene Importer.

Yeah I agree that it should be possible to only reimport one asset from the scene. Especially useful when you know exactly what you changed. Unfortunately this way of working is according to Epic “not the right way” as they think we should import each asset individually and then place them. Good luck with huge airport scenes from architects for example. I really wish FBX full scene reimport would get a lot more love.

I guess Datasmith is gonna replace this functionality in the long run.