Oculus auto VR Focus how to disable?

How can i disable the Oculus auto VR focus ?

There is a small sensor inside the headset.I mean when i take off the headset the application becomes ‘half-tick’, if i use the blueprint node called ‘get VR focus state’ it will output ‘false’ from the ‘Has focus’ output.
If i’m using an OC as a server in a multi-play game, when i take off the headset, the whole bandwidth will become broken!

So i want to know is there any solution for this??

The funny thing is i’m focusing in my web page(engine is in the backstage),and then i put my finger on the headset sensor , the engine will become focused immediately !

“OculusHMD.cpp” has ‘GEngine->SetMaxFPS(10);’ when we pause rendering. Comment out that line and it should no longer lower the FPS.

Not sure if there a reason this happens though.