Actor Rotation and Level Sequence

Hey guys, I’ve been trying to make a little obstacle on a platform game and I’m just trying to see what I can do with it. So I’ve stuck a couple of mace like actors on a track like this.

There is a little blueprint scripting to make them spin to seem a bit more deadly. This is all done in the level blueprint like this.

This looks good when they are spinning in place, but I want them to be moving back and forth on those little rails I’ve made.

When I make a level sequence they don’t spin any more, I get that this will be because the animation is conflicting with the blueprint, but I’ve messed around for a fair while now and I don’t seem to be much closer to the end result I had in mind…

Anyone here able to help me get them moving and spinning really fast as they move?

Thanks a bunch if you can! :slight_smile:

You might try to restrict the level sequence animation to just translation. Right click on the transform section and set the active channels:

That’s a new feature in 4.17 and documentation is coming online shortly for that.