SpeedTree + Lightmass + Paint Foliage + Instancing

In the SpeedTree Documentation is written that vegetation placed with the “paint foliage” tool will not work with lightmass. Source: working_with_models_in_ue4 [SpeedTree Documentation]

However it gets instanced when painted with the foliage tool unlike static meshes placed manualy.

The UE4 documentation says though that painted foliage can work with lightmass.
Source: Foliage Mode in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I need both precomputed lightmaps and instancing.

So what is right? Does lightmass work with painted foliage?

SpeedTrees are fundamentally still a static mesh. You should defer to the UE4 docs if ever you come across a contradiction :wink:

We’ll take a look and update our docs accordingly.