Need help setting up Flurry analytics

Hi all,

I’m trying to set up Flurry analytics to run on iOS, but am having trouble. When I try to package the project, I get the errors in the image below:

So far, I basically used the tutorial [here][2], with the only exception that I didn’t build the editor from the source. That is because it says that it is the only way to remote compile, but I think that is outdated - I currently compile remotely to a mac and that works absolutely fine (as long as I don’t enable the Flurry analytics plugin).

Does anyone know what is going on here?




Since my question above, I’ve set up Unreal Engine from source, which is running fine. I’ve now followed all the instructions in the tutorial in the link to the letter, but still can’t make Flurry to work. I get the following warnings in the output window when I run the game:

LogModuleManager: Warning: No filename provided for module IOSFlurry
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'IOSFlurry' because the file 'C:/Users/aless/Source/Repos/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Win64/' was not found.
LogAnalytics: Warning: Failed to find Analytics provider named IOSFlurry.
LogAnalyticsBPLib: Warning: StartSession: Failed to get the default analytics provider. Double check your [Analytics] configuration in your INI

I believe my analytics configuration is fine:


(I obviously removed the key here for security).

When running the game, any attempt to start the session fails and returns false.

It is surprisingly difficult to make any analytics capabilities to work in unreal engine. Any ideas of what is going on here?


Firstly, I would like to thank our friends at Epic for the wonderful customer support and for the undeniable contribution to this discussion. The enthusiasm has been contagious. Thank you.

For anyone else who eventually finds this post and is wondering whether I have found a solution on my own: I haven’t, but there is a way around. Dump Flurry and get the Google Analytics library from gameDNA. It is a bit of a pain to get it to work with iOS but the developer is a real gem and will definitely help you get it up and running.
