FText::FromStringTable doesn't seem to work on ios

FText::FromStringTable works in PIE, Windows builds, but doesn’t work on ios builds, it returns MISSING STRING TABLE instead. This is how I use FText::FromStringTable:

  1. Put string table Months in the root of the Content folder
  2. Call FText::FromStringTable(FName("/Game/Months.Months"), FString("key"))

Is this an asset based string table? (I’m guessing so from the name).

If nothing else is referencing it then you’ll have to force it to be cooked.

I think there’s a way to do this via your project packaging settings (something like “Additional assets to always cook”), but if not you can just make a dummy reference to the string table asset in a level somewhere.

Yes, this is an asset based string table.

Moving string tables to their own folder and then adding them in Additional Asset Directories to Cook (located in Project Settings - Project - Packaging) helped. Now FText::FromStringTable works on ios.