Uclass constructor


I am a beginner with UE and I am trying to figure out how to code with UE.

My current problem is about the constructor of a UCLASS. Say that I have an extremely simple Uclass inheriting from UOBJECT, and having only one attribute. How do I build an instance of this object by supplying a value to this attribute, as I would with a normal class in C ++, via a constructor taking parameters?

Because in my current experience a constructor can be built only in two ways, either by default without parameters, or like this:

UMyObject::UMyObject(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
    // Initialize CDO properties here.

Am I forced to create a parallel initialization method, or can I create a constructor with parameters? and what is this “const FObjectInitializer” used for? I browse the documentation, I can not find help.

Thank you for your help.

I have the same problem.
You figure out how to fix this issues?