how to disable the tonemapper

The tonemapper is effecting the colors of my unlit materials. Is there a way to disable the tonemapper without disabling all features of post process? My game looks drastically different when in lit vs unlit. I want it to look like the first image.

Try r.Tonemapper.xxxxxx in the console. There should be things like quality, sharpen and other settings.


Not sure what to do with those. How do I activate those commands?

I really need a solution to this. If anyone can help me id greatly appreciate it. I just need to disable to reverse the tonemapper to get my textures to look the way my client wants.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I am still having this problem. When i have a material set to unlit and the texture plugged into emissive the texture looks wrong in lit mode and correct in unlit mode. If it is unlit why does it change in lit and unlit modes?


Hi, I think this will help: link

Legacy tonemapper in PostProccessing->Film

Slope: 0.98

Toe: 0.3

Shoulder: 0.22

Black Clip: 0

White Clip: 0.025