Physics: Apply torque to rotate at constant rate

Hi everyone,

I’m currently worling on a physical simulation of a mecanism and I would like to be able to rotate an object at a constant rate around an axis independantly of its mass and masses of other pieces that are bound to him with Physics constraints.

Because I have to make it works using physics, I need a way to apply a torque to rotate my object, but the condition in bold make things hard to do.

I found that answer but it’s for unity so I can’t simply copy and paste the code in c++. I know that unreal lets me add a torque to apply a torque as an angular acceleration by setting the “Accel change” field as true but If i want a rotation at a constant rate, the angular speed would be constant and so the angular acceleration would be equal to zero, so why do they allow me to do that ?

So I have three little questions for you :

  • How to do that in UE4 ?
  • why unity use a inertiaTensorRotation ro rotate its iertia tensor whereas UE4 don’t ?
  • what is the inertiaTensorRotation in physics ?