Crouch blendspace movement wont work

EDIT2:It seems to be an issue with the characters movement component velocity. if im standing and walking its fine. as soon as i press the crouch it turns to 0. ive tested this using set velocity on the character movement as soon as the W walk input is pressed and my character will move forward while crouched. However the normal orient to rotation wont work as the velocity is always forward. Also this is really just to test what the issue is and cannot be used as a solution. ive checked some videos on youtube and they do what i did at first and theirs works. Could it be a bug in 4.16.2.
Can anybody help me please.

EDIT: it turns out that when i crouch the speed value is no longer updated or even set by the event graph however it does when i stand its find. i cant understand why speed is no longer set. I used try get pawn owner → get velocity → vector length. but it just doesnt work.

Im stuck and cant find the problem with my crouch action. The character crouches when i press C and stands when i press it again. The problem is that while crouched i cannot move. it simply stays in a crouch idle. This seems to be an issue with the blendspace and not the actual crouch as ive tested a bunch of ideas and singled the error down to the blendspace.
Ive changed the animbp around so that when crouch plays it follows into the original idlewalkrun blendspace from the template. This works so that when i am crouched press W will instantly make the player walk however if i hook up the crouchwalk blendspace it stops working again. I used the same speed variable used in the idlewalkrun blendspace.
If I combine the two blendspaces into one 2D blendspace where the y axis is between 0 and 1 with 1 representing crouch it will once again not work for the crouching movements. The standing walk movements still work fine.
Crouch and uncrouch variables and animations work fine but not movements. Ive also checked if its the character movement components crouch method by removing it but it still will not move while the character is crouched(in animation not capsule height).
Ive checked can crouch, and the crouch half height is default
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks.

Below are screens of what i thought is important. if theres anything ive missed out please let me know

ignore walk forward and walk right. they were from a previous 2D blendspace i used

This statemachine is not the original. Previously crouch walks was a seperate state between the crouch idles. Now its in idle walk run state as a 2D blendspace.