Should I use blueprints or c++ for animation?

I am currently looking into animation and how to implement it.
The game has no high demands to animation, basically just what every FPS has, idle, run, jump, strafe, etc…

It certainly is difficult to find examples for controlling animation from c++. Yet my feeling is that it would be simpler.

But what is the ‘recommended’ way on how it should be done?

Take a look at shooter game or fps example.

The way it is generally done is setting up an “Animation Blueprint”. This has a special node system which allows you to set up “State Machines” which switch between idle, run, jump, etc based on a variable.

Then it is up to you if that variable is changed in c++ or blueprints. For example, in shooter game, there is a bool for aiming down sights. In fps blueprint example, it checks if the player is falling to switch to the falling animation.

It’s Blueprints obviously. That’s why Persona was made, to ease workflow, programming animation in native code would be pretty hard task.

Programming animation in C++ would not be simpler, since you’ll have to do most of the things by hand. I’m not sure about this one, but you probably would also implement state machines yourself, i don’t think the state machine used in Persona could be used in C++ side of things the same way as it is used in Persona.

Ah yes, I was looking at that already. I just wasn’t sure I can take it as appropriate example as it doesn’t seem to have any c++ code at all.