SWebBrowser Documentation ?

I’m trying to communicate between my game and a webbrowser widget running my UI, using javascript.

I followed the answer of kenshin1987 in this post :

But the js function is never called.

The documentation page of SWebBrowser throws a 404 error :

Where is it located now ?

I can’t find anything about the binding of an UObject on the javascript-side.

EDIT: After some trial and error, I’ve found what was preventing me from calling fuctions on js: the object and function names have to be lowercase.

window.ue.myobject.myfunction().then( function() { console.log('UE Event Called.') } ).catch( function(error){ console.log(error);alert(error) } );

API reference getting messy like that sometimes, i notice it actually degrades over time, i raport it in forums without any respsonce when MeshComponent pages started to missing information. They are auto generated content so they always have bugs anyway.

In such case look on header file of the class, it contains raw data that API refrence documentation is generated from. with Slate it quite easy to search it in github as all files start with “S” same as class name so you seach “filename:SWebBrowser”, but here you have it:

Everything is commented and comments are the same as they would apper in API refrence so you not missing anything here.Slate arguments arguments are also clearly visible.

Never played with it so i dont know much about js binding, but Slate is not documented well anywhere and this is the most you can get from it. I can see binding functions and they are commented so maybe it will push you forward

Thanks a ton for the update, the documentation is really poor and I hit all the same pitfalls as you. I too found that other post which helped me fix “ue4” to “ue” but you saved me on the lowercase issue after a lot of time trying random fixes.

Hi, to fix the lowercase problem just add


somewhere before widget creation. I’ve made it in the constructor of UGameSingletone class, whitch then could be selected in Project Settings - Engine - General Settings.