Using my own mesh stops my item pickup blueprint working

Hey everyone.
Ok this has me stumped. I’ve made a simple Item pickup blueprint which casts to my gamemode so the count remains persistent over different levels.
Now I’ve got it working, however when I made my own mesh and replaced the sphere component with my own mesh, the blueprint stops working. The event overlap node doesn’t even get registered.
Is there something simple I’m missing?
I’ve made sure the new mesh has an overlap collision and that it’s with pickup range of my character.

Can you show me the actor collision settings. Make sure that the collision type is overlapall n make sure that the mesh you used has a collision. Check the collision of the mesh in the Mesh Editor. If there is no collsion add a collision.Another trick is to place a box trigger sorrounding the mesh but that won’t be appropriate as the shape of your mesh is not box shape.

I had a look through my collision settings and found out that even though I made the mesh overlap all, it didn’t actually have collision.
Thanks to that I fixed it.
Thanks for the help!