Automation Report output location 4.17

Upon upgrading my project to 4.17.2 my automation system began failing to locate the automation report .json file generated when the following command is run:
UE4Editor.exe /path/to/project.uproject --EditorTest -ExecCmds='Automation List, Automation RunTests System -TestExit="Automation Test Queue Empty’ -log

Prior to 4.17, this would generate a file @ [PathToProject]/Saved/Automation/Logs/AutomationReport-0-[Date]-[Time].json
The tests still run when using the command however no automation report seems to be generated.

Has the location of this output file changed? Is there another way to get the results of an automation test for external use?


I have figured this out. You now need to specify the output location for automation test reports by using -ReportOutputPath="[/Path/To/Output/]" flag on the commandline