Select a different parent socket?

I’m a complete noob when it comes to the Unreal Engine 4. Please do not reply with confusing answers, my apologies if I might sound rude.

So I’ve been having insurmountable levels of frustration, I’ve added to sockets to my character’s skeleton. (Which are by the way static meshes).

After heading to the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint, I tried attaching the meshes onto the character through the viewport, and when I try searching the parent socket it says “Select a different parent socket - cannot change socket on inherited components”.

Before you tell me to use Skeletal Meshes, I did that and ended up with the same result.

Please help.

Not so clear what you try to achieve, are you trying to change a component from SocketA, to SocketB?

For example, you have a WeaponBlueprint, attached to RightHandSocket, and now you want to change the weapon in LeftHandSocket.

If that is the case, you can simply take the instance of your component (weapon) and search for AttachToComponent method. Add the same mesh in the target, write new destination socket and that will do the change

See this:


If that is not the case, explain to me what are you expecting to happen, probably I could help you better.