Reset Get Input Time Down

I’m currently trying to make a CS-Styled Gamemode. Roundtime, Bombtimer, Planting and defusing is working. Except that the defusing part is slightly bugged. I have made a box collision on the bomb so I can defuse it when I’m in range. To start defusing you need to be in range, like I said, and need to hold “E” for 5 seconds. The seconds are set by a “Defusetime” float which gets subtracted by a “InputTime” float. InpuTime is made by simply using Get Input Time Down. Works perfect that way EXCEPT that I can start hold E and run into the Box Collision because it will use the time I press the button nomatter what. I tried many things like a Branch with is overlapping and putting everything into functions which only load when I’m overlapping but nothing seem to work.

Any ideas?

You will want a bool setup, something like CanDefuseBomb. On the OnBeginOverlap event for the box trigger on the bomb, set this to true, and false OnEndOverlap.

Then, when pressing E, check the CanDefuseBomb bool before adding any time. You might also want to set your defuse time each time there is an overlap event on the box.

Hey, thanks for the answer but it still doesn’t really work. I even added an AND Boolean now but still nothing: