Listen For Input Action Not Calling Event


I’m binding a custom event (inside of a Widget BP) to Listen For Input Action. The node is called but the event I’m setting to it isn’t firing. Is there a specific work flow that isn’t explained in the docs?


Could you please post screenshots of the relevant blueprints?

Sure sorry about that.


Apparently, Listen for Input Action doesn’t work when the game is paused.

You cannot call Listen for Input Action in the menu when the game is paused (Set Game Paused). Nor will you receive the input when the input mode is set to Set Input Mode UI Only.

I hope this information can help others and I would suggest Epic might wish to invest in improving the volume of documentation for engine users as many of us are already comfortable in Unity and this would help bring more into the fold.


I have same problem, my Widget BP:



Print debug in callback is never printed.

Project settings, input:


Player Controller BP:

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