Making a TArray of Components (C++)

Lets say I have the following code inside my class header:

TArray<UBillboardComponent*> billboards;

and inside my constructor I have the following lines of code

for (int i = 0; i < MaxSystems + 1; i++)
	billboards.Append( CreateDefaultSubobject<UBillboardComponent>(FName("System")) );
	billboards[i]->SetRelativeLocation(FMath::VRand() * 500.0f);


Currently, this gives me an error stating:

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error (active)		no instance of overloaded function "TArray<InElementType, InAllocator>::Append [with InElementType=UBillboardComponent *, InAllocator=FDefaultAllocator]" matches the argument list	Game Projects\Unreal Engine 4\Project\Source\Project\Class.cpp	22	

I believe that the compiler is telling me that UBillboardComponent is not supported by the default allocator and requires us to put in a new allocator, but I may be wrong.

I guess the short of my question is – how do I hold onto a TArray of components that are children to my root component? I would like to use an array specifically for the ability to access it using an index value (so billboards[i] will give me the appropriate billboard) so that my data and visuals can be kept in sync.

.Add() or .Emplase()

.Append() is for appending one array to another.

Whoops, should have looked more carefully. Thanks!