Can not access C++ class properties in Blueprints


I am trying to set up some C++ classes that could be extended to Blueprints, but I can not see any properties of the class and I can’t figure what I am doing wrong.

I am Setting up the properties like this:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
int32 size;

They are public and I assign default values in the class constructor, but when I create a Blueprint out of these classes I can only see them at the Blueprint creation part and If I save and try to reopen the Blueprint there are no properties anymore. Also if I try to use Spawn Actor From Class function in Blueprints to spawn a class I created in C++, I do not get any values to assign there too. It shows up with no nodes for properties.

Hope I made myself clear.
Have a nice day!

This is what it looks like.

If I Create a Blueprint from the C++ class I can first see the properties:

Now if I try to reopen this same Blueprint after compile and save I get this:

If I try to spawn it from another Blueprint I once again get no custom variables:
