Attempted to use control rig now my project wont cook properly.

Attempted to use control rig (experimental plugin) now my project wont cook properly. I had a wall of errors untill I removed every reference to control rig that I can and I’m down to this last error when compiling.

UATHelper: Packaging (Switch): Cook: LogInit: Display: LogPackageName: Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: ‘/ControlRig/Rig/BaseHuman’ is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path does not start with a valid root. Path must begin with: ‘/Engine/’, ‘/Game/’, ‘/Paper2D/’, ‘/OculusVR/’, ‘/SteamVR/’, ‘/TempAutosave/’, ‘/Confi
g/’, ‘/Script/’, ‘/Memory/’, or ‘/Temp/’

Things I’ve tried:

  • The plugin is deactivated in the
    engine and in the uproject file.
  • I deleted all left over references to control rig.
  • I deleted the intermediate and data cache folders hoping any reference would disappear after regeneration.

I’m at my wits end here. Any help would be appreciated so we can get back to work. Cook/log file link

It seems that I cant turn the plugin off at this point. Only by turning it back on will things cook properly.