TPP Animation Blueprint different?

I’m trying to re-create the TPP Animation Blueprint including blendspaces and state machines etc.

When I create a new Animation Blueprint I set the parent as AnimInstance, and skeleton as TPP skeleton.
Is that correct?

Then I add the variables 0 (Float) Speed, 1 (Float) Direction, 2 (bool) bIsInAir

Then I open the my blueprint’s Eventgraph and paste across the TPP blueprint’s eventgraph network (the bit which sets values for Distance and Speed).

My blueprint has a tab called AnimGraph which contains a node: Final Animation Pose. The TPP_AnimationBlueprint does not.
Why doesn’t it?

Why is the HeroTPP_VIM Animation Blueprint eventgraph handled in a different asset than the MyCharacter asset’s eventgraph (input from mouse, jump, etc) ?
Would it be be possible to combine their contents into one blueprint?

Hi Tom,

Animation Blueprints have their own EventGraphs (separate from Character) because not every AnimBP is necessarily owned by a Character BP. They can instead be owned by other types of Blueprint, so it becomes necessary for the AnimBP to specify the events. Character BPs also do not have access to all the functions that AnimBPs do, however these are planned to be made more accessible to CharacterBPs in the future. Although it is still generally a good idea for animation events to be handled in the AnimBP for efficiency.

As for your original question, you are trying to re-create the Animation Blueprint from the Blueprint Third Person project template, is that correct? Specifically the HeroTPP_Vim?

I am confused by when you say that “TPP_AnimationBlueprint” does not have a Final Animation Pose node, since I am not aware of which AnimBP you are referring to.

Any clarification would be appreciated.


It looks like, in Shooter game when I open the HeroTPP_VIM asset it shows just the animgraph.
While in the ThirdPerson game when I open the HeroTPP_VIM it shows just the eventgraph.

I may be mixed up totally - as yet I find it a little confiusing how VIMs work.

not sure why the HeroTPP_VIM is in a FPS shooter template but the point is, when I’m in the other templates I can’t find my way into the blueprint’s animgraph at all.

ok i hope this helps a little, afaik each animblueprint is set to a single skeleton, most FPS games also need some form of 3rd person (think bots or other players).
i’m not sure if or how to add an animgraph but you can access these through the animblueprint

Oh - thanks, that’s what I needed to know.

Just thinking, why is this panel called My Blueprint? It might make sense to call it This BluePrint or Current Blueprint.

The reason that some AnimBPs may open with the AnimGraph displayed, and others may open the with EventGraph displayed, is due to which was opened when the BP and project were saved. There also have been changes to the default settings for what is open at startup.

As GeoDav pointed out, you can open either graph from the My Blueprint tab (I’m not sure why this name was chosen over others). In the right-click options, you can choose to open the graph in new tabs.
