Is there a way to check if a binding is held?

I’m trying to bind actions for use in UMG to use a controller to navigate the menus. There are a variety of nodes for checking inputs like “IsKeyHeld” and “IsControlHeld” but I can’t see one that is “IsBindHeld” or “IsMappingHeld”, this would be useful for UMG, you could set up the inputs in the project settings alongside so d-pad up, left stick up and keyboard up are all mapped to the action “Menu Up” and I can the use the node to check a single mapping instead of lining up a bunch of “IsThisHeld” nodes connected to an OR node. Is there anything like this, and if not it would be a good thing to add to UE4. Even better would be to have input events in UMG and not have to check if inputs are held every tick. A lot of people would benefit from this.