How do you get the level sequencer to "keep state" and not jump back to the character camera?

Hi to anyone reading this and thanks in advance for taking the time.

What I’m trying to do is play a level sequence and not have it jump back to the player camera once it’s done playing. I’ve done some research into this issue already and going to the sequence animation properties and changing restore state to “keep state” doesn’t solve my issue. I’ve also tried using a “set playback range” node and making the “new end time” a frame before the animation is supposed to end and that also does nothing. I’m using a camera actor in the level sequence to orbit around another actor for this animation. Attached are some screen shots of what I’m doing. the Widget blueprint just shows that when a button is clicked I used an event dispatcher to trigger a custom event in the level blueprint.

Any help would be great.


Not sure I understand fully. Would you eventually want to jump back to the character camera at some point later? What should happen to the camera when the sequence is done? Should it just hold?

You could try calling Pause() on the level sequence player when it gets close to the playback position end (ie. close to 1.0). And then eventually Stop() when you want to resume control to the character camera.