How do i reference functions using a child actor components

I currently have a player BP and a rocket BP and I want to be able fire this rocket from my Player BP.

I’ve added a child actor component of the rocket bp in the player bp but I don’t know how to reference the functions of the rocket bp.

How can I make this work? Is this even a good way of going about it?


Child Actor component is a component and it is just container for actor so it makes actor behave like component you can’t just cast it to your actor class you need to access it from inside of that component.

You need get “Child Actor” varable it refrence currently contained actor, search “Get Child Actor” node from list that apper when you drug link from “BP Rocket” and drop it.

Like this? I can now cast to Bp rocket but I still can’t access what I need.

Doh! I’m such a noob. I got it to work now.

Thanks for the help