When entering Japanese characters in TextBox, a word suggestion list is displayed outside the window.

When entering Japanese characters in TextBox using Google Japanese IME (Input Method Editor), a word suggestion list is displayed outside the game window.

When Microsoft IME which is the default of Japanese Windows 10 is used, a word suggestion list is displayed at the expected position.

However, Google Japanese IME has acquired certain popularity and market share in Japan.
If you can not understand Japanese input method well, please contact the Japanese staff or engineer in Epic Games Japan.
Bugs similar to this may also occur in other input methods such as Chinese and Korean which are double-byte characters.

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Google Japanese IME staff said that the application needs to deal with it.
He said that the application needs to support IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION notification code or use SetCaretPos API.
link text

I do not think this is a problem with UE4, but with how the google IME handles the suggestion box. Unlike the Microsoft one, the Google IME is not integrated with UE4 and has to add the box on top of what you are working on. It does this by getting the bounds of the currently active unit and placing it at the bottom left of it. As such, since the active window is the entire editor the box is placed outside. This might be a simple fix or a difficult one, but that was my two cents.


Thank you for reporting this. I attempted testing what you are experiencing but I’m not seeing the same issue. I created a User Widget Blueprint, added a text box, and then spawned it on BeginPlay in the Level and added it to the viewport. I set the Mouse Cursor to visible to allow me to click on the textbox and focus it and when typing in text using the Google IME (downloaded from the link you provided) I see this:

I get this same result in PIE, New Editor Window (PIE), Standalone game, and a packaged game. When using the Microsoft IME, I actually don’t get a popup at all but the suggestions still work (i.e., pressing space after entering あした results in 明日.) This is likely due to the difference between the Microsoft IME in Windows 7 (my current version) and Windows 10 however.

Is your set up any different than mine? I’d like to enter a bug for this but I must have a reproduction first.

Thank you for testing. My set up is not different than yours. When I tried testing on my Windows 7 machine, it was in the same state as your test. However, I think that suggestions are not displayed when the space key is pressed for the first time and suggestions are displayed when it is pressed for the second time is normal behavior of Microsoft IME on Windows 7.

screen shots:

Another Japanese is reproducing the same problem. [link text][5]
Google Japanese IME staff said that applications should support IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION notification code or use SetCaretPos API. [link text][6]

We do move the windows using ImmSetCandidateWindow and ImmSetCompositionWindow. We also tell the IME not to show its own composition window by clearing ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW in WM_IME_SETCONTEXT before calling DefWindowProc, however the Google IME is still showing its own composition window.

Neither responding to IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION nor using SetCaretPos have helped with any of these weird positioning issues, and I’m currently out of ideas as to why (IMEs on Windows are troublesome things to deal with, as no two behave the same or respond to the API(s) (because there’s two of them, IMM and TSF) in the same way).

Our Windows IME implementation is in WindowsTextInputMethodSystem.cpp (Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows) if you want to debug this further.

After Jamie’s investigation and hearing reports of this same behavior occurring in Google Chrome, we do not consider this to be a bug with UE4. If you do get a reliable reproduction for the issue where the suggestion box was appearing outside of the game window, we would be interested in looking into that but without a reproduction, we cannot do so.

Does the same behavior really occuer in Google Chrome?
I frequently use Google Chrome, but I can use Google IME without any problems.
If this is not a bug with UE4, it means that Google staff is lying.

One of our staff members at Epic Games Japan reported seeing the same offset candidates list behaviour when using Google Chrome, although it does seem to be a low repro issue.