Widget Events aren't called

I while ago I created an inventory following [this tutorial][1]. Upgrading to 4.16 went just fine. Now I am having troubles with my inventory on 4.17 and I don’t know how to fix them. Everything is set up like in the tutorial but the Construct Event of the UI_Inventory widget is never called. First time I try to open the inventory the game knows that the inventory was not yet created and attemps to create it. The create widget function does not fail. It runs through and adds the inventory placeholder to the screen. But during the create widget function the Construct Event of the widget to be created is never executed.

How can I fix this? Thanks in advance!

Opening of the inventory:

Construction Event of the inventory:

But during the create widget function
the Construct Event of the widget to
be created is never executed.

Could you confirm that you are using the Create Widget node in the construction script?

The Create Widget node is executed if I open the inventory for the first time. Or did I got your question wrong?

I’ve re-read your question, trying to wrap my head around it.

The first time the InputAction is triggered, the inventory is created correctly or its EventConstruct does not fire at all? So if you put a print text node there, you can’t see it execute?

The first time the InputAction is triggered it follows the non valid path. But the Create Widget node does not fire the Event Construct. So the event does not fire at all.

Your blueprint is correct. If the Event Construct you’ve shown belongs to the UI Inventory class but is unable to even PrintText, there’s something truly dodgy happening here.

Could you try disabling Compilation Manager in the Projects Settings, recompile the widget and test it again?

Could you also confirm that UI Inventory parent class is UserWidget - it’s in the very upper right corner of the widget blueprint.

Parent class of the UI_Inventory was correctly set as UserWidget.
Disabling the Compilation Manager solved the problem. Thanks! Is it not quite stable yet or what is going on with it?

It was added in 4.17 and works like a charm for projects made in 4.17 from scratch. If you transition from previous versions, an oddity like this (or much worse) might manifest every now and then.