Branding/Animated Logo

Honestly, for something like that I’d go for a dedicated modelling program + After Effects. Make into a video and play it in the engine.

Check out this channel for tutorials:

It can be done in the engine but I feel it’s going to be at least an order of magnitude harder. Pick your tools and battles right.

Hello, i would like to make a text animation

I want to know can i animate a text block giving each letter some effect of magnet or some field
Anyone is it possible to make a logo like such using matinee ( i was wondering if i could animate a 2d objects . or else 3d will do fine )… Can i make a material out of my text and animate it like such ?

I want to make a animated logo . Would appreciate help Getting me started to achieve that

yeah my first guess was AE . but what if i want to do it with ue4 .

Then you can use matinee for 3d or UMG for 2d.

Ok can you guide/point me toward something(( tutorial )) relating to 2d umg logo animation .
i have done the buttons animation in ue4 but im not sure for my particular question where would i start and what would i do ? i have read the UE4 documentation not every bit but relating to my problem but did not find that useful or i dont know the method. thanx in advance

UMG allows you for handling and animating the user interface. You could animate a logo coming together if you prepare the elements in advance, include text, you can also use materials.

Here’s a primer: Basic UMG UI Animation - #48 Unreal Engine 4 Beginner Tutorial Series - YouTube

also, can’t recommend this gentleman enough:

You might not be find an in-depth tutorial about creating animated logos as the UMG designer is not really meant for that. That does not mean it cannot be done, though.

For a simple logo text coming together letter by letter, you would prepare a text block for every letter and slide it into position by shifting it in the canvas panel.

I’d be happy to chip in if you briefly describe what you want to achieve.