Does "Slot As Button Slot" exist? ??Bug??

I need it for “Set Horizontal Alignment Target is Button Slot”

The “button slot” is still accessible to be modified, it’s just not available as a “Get slot as” blueprint node.

But if you just get your widget’s “slot”, you can then manually cast that to a “button slot”. It would be handy to be able to have the node “Get slot as button slot” in the future though. It seems like an oversight to not include it.


I have same problem. I can’t access Button Slot property in the blueprint

Hello, I found a solution.
Instead of taking (as button slot), I put in (button) not (Text), but (Size box), and already in (Size box) put text.
Accordingly, in the text you need to take not (as button slot), but (slot as size box)

It might not be clear enough, anonymous_user_03c2c3b0 already answered their own question 3 month later

‘child widget’ → ‘Get slot’ → ‘cast to Button Slot’ → ‘Set Horizontal Alignment’

You can also right click on the cast function and select ‘Convert to pure cast’ if you don’t like the execute pins

This is how all the ‘Slot as Slot’ functions work. I guess someone at Epic Games just forgot to simplify it for the Button slot.