How can I randomize a single mesh on 3 spawnpoints?

Can someone help me figure out how to go about randomizing a single mesh across 3 spawn points? I am really stuck on this one for awhile now.

Basically what I am trying to do is I have an Altar with 3 Bookstands on it. There are 3 books. 1 book per each of the 3 stands and I want to randomize which one shows up where but all 3 books need to be spawned so 3 books are always on each of the stands.

To go more in depth I wanna mess with players to challenge them. One of the books contains a blueprint connected to it for upgrading their player stats (damage, health, reload, etc) and I want to randomize the 3 books so that the book containing the upgrades isn’t predictable because it would change bookstands after each enemy wave to add a challenge to it. The other 2 on the other hand will do something like half their health, kill them, or spawn even more enemies or something like that.

Any ideas? The only thing I can think of atm is doing something similar to spawning ai across spawn points but that only spawns a few at a time across several. I want to narrow it down and spawn 3 on the 3 bookstands.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Here’s a screenshot to give you a better idea -

(I’ll even mention you in the game credits as an extra thanks for your help)

  1. Put book classes in array
  2. Shuffle the array Shuffle | Unreal Engine Documentation
  3. Spawn them in array order (using ForEach node for example or chain the index 0, 1, 2 it even better that way as you can spawn in proper postions)
  4. Profit!

If you player can pick only one it really does not matter which one they pick (or else you plan to hint them?), only randomize the result and player will still have illusion of choose.

Yes, I pretty much just need to shuffle the 3 book meshes on the bookstands. Honestly it really doesn’t matter which one they pick. Only one of the book contains a blueprint connected to it for upgrading their player character. The other two books will do some sort of random evil.

I’ll give this a try sometime today. Thanks for the help and advice.

So far I think this should work and I tried this but I think I am obviously doing something wrong.

What I’ve done so far is make a blueprint class and labeled that as " BookSpawner ". I then have 3 book bp’s labeled Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 and I dragged those into the book spawner to get their existing positions.

I then connected those to a Make Array with the shuffle after that but I cant seem to figure out how to force it to take the indexed order with the for each node you mentioned.

I also compiled it and I don’t get any errors either oddly but when I drag the book spawner and press play nothing happens so I know I am doing something wrong or misunderstanding it somewhere. Trying to look around to figure it out now.

Any ideas?

Update, figured this out with the Shuffle so I am marking it as resolved since now its working for the most part but stuck on another issue related to it.

got it working finally!