How to make an Ink on the screen effect like Mario Kart?


I’m working on a project right now where one of the characters causes a blindness effect, kinda like how in Mario Kart, the squid puts ink on your screen. I tried using camera post-processing and put a dirt mask that kinda does the same thing, but it did now work for me.

Any ideas on how to do this? Any leads would be helpful.

Yep. PP shader will do the work.
Show what You’ve made so far and we could figure out the issue.

2nd way is to use plane with decal right before the camera. But the drawback is HUGE overdraw.

3rd way us to model a 2d mesh blob and place it right before the camera.

Hey, I’m sorry for the late response, I didn’t see your comment :confused:
So dirt mask Idea was a total bust because when I used a black mask, the black just becomes transparent.
I would like to avoid putting something in front of the camera, so I would really appreciate if you expand more on the first idea.
I’m not very familiar with shaders unfortunately.
Also a quick note, I’m thinking about adding the effect as a UI element? Any critiques on that?
And thank you for taking the time to help :smiley:

The UI element is UMG widget, I assume, so it’s case #2.
Mario Kart probably using 2nd or 3rd method (that blob moving like vertex animated mesh).
So if you still prefer PP I could provide you some links that you should watch first.

Yeah, I wanna try that, so any help would be appreciated. If it does not give me the behavior I’m looking for, then I’ll opt for the UI approach. Post your response as an answer and I’ll accept it.
Again thanks for the help.

You better to write your own answer once you figure out what fits your needs.
It may help people better than vague list of suggestions.