Get GBuffer Information

I would like to get the Information stored in the GBuffer. I saw some approaches using custom HLSL nodes, e.g.:

MaterialFloat2 UV = MaterialFloat2(ScreenAlignedPosition(Parameters.ScreenPosition).xy);

FGBufferData GBData = GetGBufferData(UV, false);
return GBData.Metallic;

But I get the errors:

[SM5] /Engine/Generated/Material.ush(1271,14-19): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘GBData’

[SM5] /Engine/Generated/Material.ush(1271,1-12): error X3000: unrecognized identifier ‘FGBufferData’

Has anyone an idea?

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GetGBufferData() is defined in DeferredShadingCommon.ush.

For materials, it is only included, if material has access to scene textures, and thus, it will only work in post process or translucent materials.