SaveGame for PC platformer

Hi there, fellow Unreal community members!

I now have a problem with my current project that doesn’t seem to go away by itself.

The problem is, I try to make a save/load system with blueprints to save two types of objects: my player and enemy class objects and then load their position in level. But, when I die and should start on SavePoint, my character doesn’t seem to receive input from game, and enemies are not standing where they should be.

To be clear - enemy blueprints have hierarchy of: Actor - General Enemy Template Class (custom) - Example Enemy Class(custom), so all enemies are instances of classes that have GeneralEnemy as their parent.
Blueprints of my SaveGame and LoadGame Events are below:

Also, what could be a problem - my enemies are NOT controlled by AI, but have a system of events triggering them to do something.