how to deal with multiple menu calls - In game Menu

I’m working with a game menu that makes multiple calls to widgets to better order the options of each article
what should I do? to be able to make a go back option as when you press the same button to go back in the segments of each menu

(In case the screenshot does not look very good)
Flip A : Create the First Menu
Flip B: Close the menus

This is what I designed for now but it does not work very well when I go back it creates an additional Menu and then closes (remove a Get all widgets of class that made it all close at once)

When you make the second call


After that it happened that everything was closed suddenly, it works individually but not when you add 2 menu calls, it closes everything, instead of going back as one wishes
I think what’s wrong is FlipFlop Too Because it recreates the instance too and does not remove the second menu


In your case basicly everytime you add a Menu you Push. Everytime you hit Escape you Pop. I let you figure out the rest its a good Practice =)