Link to 3rd Party Libraries: I'm trying to call the function but it can't hear me! How do I tell the linker where my .so file is?


I am trying to revive this thread :

Because no valid answer was provided by the staff. To be more specific, my situation is, that I’m trying to call the function but it can’t hear me! How do I tell the linker where my .so file is? There is no manual or documentation (or even example) on how to do it. Any answers/examples/suggestions provided are at most for UE4.11, and most are for even older versions. There seems no solution for this issue for UE4.16+ .

To clarify, i get error: function ‘MyFunctonName’ is not defined [-Werror,-Wundefined-inline] when i try to use it in my code. I have .h and .so files. In .h the signature of the function is

extern “C” __attribute__((visibility(“default”))) bool MyFuncName();

and i include .so file using PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(sharedobjectPath);


Please don’t post this link as an answer:

This manual doesn’t work any more, and is defined outdated (works up to 4.13).