How do I delete meshes?

I am using “add static mesh” and “set static mesh” to spawn few meshes. How do I delete some of them inside the same bluperint without destroying the whole blueprint?

if you have added to many mesh components to your blueprint just go to the components tab in the blueprint and right click on the ones you don’t want and select delete.

I mean via blueprint scripting.

Set Hidden (set True -checked)and Enable Collision(set to false - unchecked) is the quick way

Destroy component from a reference to the static mesh you want to destroy.

Wont it overload cpu if I will spawn many meshes (about 300) and then toggle some of them? Btw I’m doing that on mobiles.

This worked for me – thanks

For future generations, as I created each Static Mesh Component, I placed them into an Static Mesh Component Array. When I was ready to destroy them, I looped over that array. Worked like a charm