4.18 standard Github source compile errors

I’m getting compile errors on a vanilla github 4.18 source compile? I’m getting these errors and seem to be on the engine side:

GitEngines\UnrealEngine_4.18.0\Engine\Source\Programs\Mac\ShaderCacheTool\Private\ShaderCacheTool.cpp(66): error C2039: ‘MergeShaderCacheFiles’: is not a member of ‘FShaderCache’

… and…

GitEngines\UnrealEngine_4.18.0\Engine\Source\Programs\BuildPatchTool\Private\ToolModes\AutomationMode.cpp(12): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘Interfaces/IAutomationWorkerModule.h’: No such file or directory

GitHub 4.18.0 Build, Windows 10 x64, VS2015

I’m getting same compile errors on the engine.
Github UE4 release (4.18.0) on Windows 10 x64 with VS2015

getting same issues
win7 x64 with vs2017 (latest)

pretty sure you need shadercache…

You don’t. It’s just some mac tool.

just because my operating system is on the inside of the number seven doesn’t mean i don’t know what im talking about.

nvm it compiled and loaded just fine

Just don’t click Build Solution. It’s very likely you’ll never need those tools, UE4, UnrealFrontEnd, UnrealLightmass are enough for most projects.

Hi everyone,

This was reported in UE-51613. The Shader Cache Tool is optional and should not be necessary to build the Engine. As Zeblote mentioned, the minimum that would need to be built for Windows would be UE4, with Unreal Frontend and Unreal Lightmass being commonly built as well.

Looks like there are two separate errors. One related to Shader Cache Tool, the other is related to BuildPatchTool. Seems the location of IAutomationWorkerModule.h changed and is no longer in a folder called “Interface”. I changed #include “Interface/IAutomationWorkerModule.h” to just “IAutomationWorkerModule.h” and that got BuillderPatchTools compiling for me.

Thanks , I wanted to make sure the error was reported. Also, like gparamo pointed out there are 2 compile errors that i mention, the BuildPatchTool needs to be logged in for fixing. :slight_smile:

there has new feature (IWYU) later on 4.16 version, you should just include “CoreMinimal.h” on the header file .

Thx ! This works for me !

Interesting. I’m getting the error even with #include “CoreMinimal.h” in ShaderCacheTool.h (4.18).