How do I use UnrealBuildTool.exe to compile only

More to the point, where can I find docs for UnrealBuildTool.

There’s docs for UE4Editor.exe but It seems the build tool docs are GUI only.

Also, nothing from the binary itself:

> mono UnrealBuildTool.exe --help
ERROR: Couldn't find platform name.
> mono UnrealBuildTool.exe -h
ERROR: Couldn't find platform name.
> mono UnrealBuildTool.exe /?
ERROR: Couldn't find platform name.
> mono UnrealBuildTool.exe
ERROR: Couldn't find platform name.

The end goal here is to not have to package the entire APK because it takes forever. I just want to build and push changed code.

Hi, have you got a solution in the end?

No, I gave up and accepted it would be slow.