Character not animating when rendering sequence?

Hi everyone!

I recorded a character moving and performing some animations using the sequence recorder tool and everything worked nicely until I tried to render the sequence to a video where to my surprise the character moves from one point to the other but on its original t pose without performing any animation.

here’s a screenshot from sequencer in the editor

and here’s one from the rendered video

I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug or if I’m missing some configuration flag but I’ll appreciate any help or workaround!

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Is the character a spawnable (did you drag the character straight from the content browser into sequencer)? I believe we spotted a regression and have a fix pending for 4.18.1.

A possible workaround is to right click on the character in sequencer and “Convert to Possessable”.

Yep that seems to have solved the issue! thanks a lot man!

No problem. The fix for this if you keep it a spawnable will be in 4.18.1. For tracking purposes, I added:

I had this issue also. But thanks to the workaround, it’s working now,
and I’m waiting for the fix.


It looks like it has been fixed in 4.18.1 and should be included in the release for that engine version. You can use the link posted above to keep track of the issue.

-Thank you

Im using 4.18.2 and I was still having this issue. I tried the workaround and that seemed to help ub tin the world outliner the actors still have the lightning bolt as if they are spawnable. Also in the sequencer everything seems to play out fine but when rendering the actors/pawns are doubled there is an animated one and a static un-animated one.


I’ve taken a look at the issue and am unable to reproduce it. In 4.18.2 the mesh appears to be animating without having a static one in frame as well. If you can post a sample project I can take another look at this.

-Thank you

Hmm, Ok Ill see if I can post the project.
Not really sure how to do that. do I upload that here? thats a lot of content…level, animation models etc.

How would I go about doing that?


tried to upload the level.uproject but it says it is an invalid filetype.


You can post your zipped repro project here and should be small enough to post. However if it exceeds the file size you can post a Dropbox/Google Drive link here and I can access them that way.

-Thank you

link text


The project that is linked above does not seem to contain any examples or test materials. If you can post a project in which this issue is occuring for you I can take another look at it.

-Thank you

Yeah I guess Im having difficulty with that. This is the project that Im using. When I open it though it is blank and I have to add the level to edit …Ill try again but I guess it is eluding me.


Are there files in the content folder or you convert engine versions? Can you give me the steps you took up till the file started doing this?

-Thank you

Were you ever able to find a fix?

I dont think so, but tbh Its long enough ago I may not remember.