Billboard Screensize scaling is not working correctly

Steps to repro:

  1. Create a Blueprint Actor
  2. Drop in a Billboard Component
  3. Toggle on Is Screen Size Scaled
  4. Notice a slight scale when you go into the positive, but it seems clamped
  5. Go into the negative however, and you are able to “properly” scale it albeit upside-down.

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This bug has been reported before and shares the same root issue that has been logged with Material Billboards. I’m leaving a link to the public tracker for the related JIRA UE-37381

Thanks again!

Thanks for the response!

now is 2019, and the bug is still there

Hi, 2021 and the still here, I finded other people reporting the same after update to ue4.25, I’m on 4.27

Hi, 2021 and the still here, I found other people reporting the same after update to ue4.25, I’m on 4.27

Hi, 2022 and the still here, I found other people reporting the same after update to ue4.25, I’m on 4.27

2023 gang here to confirm this still seems broken. :upside_down_face:


2024 flag is set!

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It is clamped by the absolute scale in transform.