Update Move Component To Location While Moving Component is Firing Off

I am trying to update the location of the Move Component To while it is firing off. Basically I have a ground slide move that moves to a location based around the velocity of the player. The problem I am running into is that I want the player to follow down slopes if he is going down hill when performing the ground slide so I am trying to change the Z-Axis location during the ground slide if the player begins to start going down a slope so that it follows the slope.

I setup a tracer that begins tracing in the event tick once the player is in the ground slide movement. I am wondering why the location does not update the location on the move component to when I have updated it during the event tick while it is firing off. I know it is being updated while it is occurring but the update is not being reflected in the location that my character ends up.

Here is my code for the Ground Slide Event.

And here is the tick event code that fires off while the player is in the ground slide.