Baseclass C++ everytime called from Blueprint Child

Hi there,

i have a strange Problem. I made a base class for my weapon in c++. From this Baseclass i made a blueprint child. But everytime the base function is called, it doesn’t mater from the blueprintchild 1 or 2, everytime the baseclass is called.


	void Fire();
	virtual void Fire_Implementation();

CPP File

void AWeaponBase::Fire_Implementation()
	if (!this)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Weapon not found!"));
		if (CurrentAmmo > 0)
			CurrentAmmo -= 1;
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("No Ammo in Weapon"));
		// Call SpawnEmitterOnFiring throug Blueprints


I spawn in my character 2 weaopns from it. It equips well and my hud Shows the right weaopn Name and the right ammo. But if i fire the weapon, only the c++ / or Basechild-Blueprint is called.
What i am doing wrong here?

Oh one Thing:

I made this function too:

void MyCharacter::SetWeaponReference(AWeaponBase *WeaponToSet)
WeaponReference = WeaponToSet;

And then i call fire:

void MyCharacter::FireMulticast_Implementation()

This Weapon Reference is set up in Blueprint. I call the function and set the current weapon blueprint as reference.


I solved this. I am stupid and set up the reference at Begin Play. I forgot to call it everytime i Change the weapon. So…all works just fine. Hurray!!!