Actor won't cast to interface

Figured I’d drop this in a bug report:

Specifically when dragging off an ‘actor’ node, it won’t bring up option to cast to an interface. As you can see in screenshot, I’ve copy pasted node (Cast to ICaster) from elsewhere in project, and it’s happy enough to run code, just won’t actually give me option when dragging from actor. Not a big deal, but slightly irritating having to go hunt through my blueprints to find where I’ve used one of those nodes before to copy paste it over each time.

Thanks for response, but that doesn’t bring up ‘cast to’ lists.

Dragging out from an object node.

Try to find it without dragging node, simply rightclick on surface

how did you create it on other blueprint?

Casting to Interface is kind of absurd, as interfaces been made for situations where you can’t cast to target class, where you trying to related 2 classes that are not related So instead to casting to interface cast it to class you want to call that event or function… or else you trying to call event or function of 2 different unrelated actors that can overlap

reason I’m casting to interface is to get a reference to it so that I can call interface message. It’s a work-around that I’m using at moment given that you can’t store interfaces as variable types or input/output nodes yet (I’m assuming Epic is still working on getting that implemented).

Does “Apply Frost Stacks” is implemented in single base class?

I agree that this is a bug.

See Casting Actor to Interface Problem & Work Around - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums for more discussion of exactly why I think this is a bug as well as work arounds.

Hopefully Epic will read this and either clarify why they don’t want to allow casting actor to interface or file an internal ticket or something.


Hi Xarol,

I’ll be addressing your comment on post you linked to, and converting that post to a bug report. initial cause for this post is no longer an issue (interfaces can now be used as variable and input/output types).

For anyone interested, you should uncheck Context Sensitive and it will show up.
I don’t understand why this is case, though. I would call it a bug too.