(Newbie) Actor in UI Editor vs. Actor in C++

I’m currently learning the editor UI of Unreal Engine and I want to relate it to the C++ structure behind it.
I’m noting names like this: ‘Name’ and types like this: Type.
I made a new basic C++ project. It creates the plane with a table and 2 chairs. It also has a SkyLight named ‘SkyLight’. In the ‘Details’ panel you can see it has components (as in “made of”) like Transform, Light, Rendering, Distance Field Ambient Occlusion, Sky Light etc. It also has a component (as in “attached hierarchical child”) - a SkyLightComponent named ‘LightComponent’. I hope I got it right so far.
1. How can I see the code behind the ‘SkyLight’? Here’s Skylight.h (accessing popup menu in ‘World Outliner’ - ‘Open SkyLight.h’):

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "GameFramework/Info.h"
#include "SkyLight.generated.h"

UCLASS(ClassGroup=Lights, hidecategories=(Input,Collision,Replication,Info), showcategories=("Rendering", "Input|MouseInput", "Input|TouchInput"), ComponentWrapperClass, ConversionRoot, Blueprintable)
class ENGINE_API ASkyLight : public AInfo

	virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const override;

	/** @todo document */
	UPROPERTY(Category = Light, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (ExposeFunctionCategories = "Light,Rendering,Rendering|Components|SkyLight", AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
	class USkyLightComponent* LightComponent;

	/** replicated copy of LightComponent's bEnabled property */
	uint32 bEnabled:1;

	/** Replication Notification Callbacks */
	virtual void OnRep_bEnabled();

	/** Returns LightComponent subobject **/
	class USkyLightComponent* GetLightComponent() const { return LightComponent; }

I can’t see any of Transform, Light, Rendering, Distance Field Ambient Occlusion, Sky Light etc. Where are these coming from if they’re not fields of a SkyLight?
2. Can I add extra these “made of” components to ‘SkyLight’ in world or am I forced to add an actor component?
3. ‘LightComponent’ in ‘Details’ represents the very private field class USkyLightComponent* LightComponent; am I right?