Character can stand on edge of box idk why

My character is walking up the top edge. Its really hard to explain so i drew a quick representation and made a video.
I think its the Collision shape being a capsule


The lighest circle is where i stop jumping and its like im standing on the box and when i move to the side it moves me up until im standing on the box.

Heres a video

You should set Can Walk Off Ledge in movement component of your character to true.

Hi Spiffer,

If you look in the Defaults tab of your character blueprint, search for ‘Use Flat Base for Floor Checks’. Enable this for the engine to treat the bottom of your capsule as flat instead of rounded.


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This appears to be no longer as effective. Has this behavior changed? Currently an issue on 4.10.4 and 4.11.

Update: Seems like Perch Radius Threshold is the solution here.

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Thank you, Allar.

I set “Perch Radius Threshold” from the “CharacterMovement” component (for both the ThirdPersonCharacter and for my enemy AI character) to “100”, and now it doesn’t slide any more when moving close to ledges. I wonder why “0” is the default…

It also made the AI not stop working as soon as my character stepped close to one of those ledges (since it would then be technically off the nav mesh… hanging out in the air). Now my character falls like it’s supposed to.

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