Server VR Pawn movement does not replicate

Hello everyone,

so I have a big problem with replicating my VR Pawn. I am using the VR Template in Unreal version 4.17.

I setup my network using Wes Bunns Multiplayer Tutorial.

This works pefect, but the problem comes with the VR Pawn.

I want to make a full VR Multiplayer experience, right now both player can enter a room in VR, and the client can see the movements of the Server (Player Host). The server is not able to see the movement of the client, he only sees his own movement, and can see his own movement copied on the other player. My Pawn is set to replicating and set to replicate Movement.

I hope someone can help me asap. Thanks everyone.

I have two setups, one with the HTC Vive and a second one with the oculus rift

How are you testing this?

oh you lucky guy. So are you packaging and connecting via listen server?
Also, I have been trying to get this going my self, but i only have 1 headset. So in my case I have been creating 2 pawns, one FPS pawn and one motion controller pawn and connecting via listen server. In my experience, when I use 2 first person pawns, they replicate perfectly, but the motioncontroller pawn doesnt seem to replicate.
I remember reading somewhere that the first person shooter pawn has code for replication and i think thats why it works easily out of the box. Can some one with networking knowledge and VR experience help out here?
Did you have a look at the network compendium? that is a really good networking resource in case you haven’y. It doesn’t however speak about VR pawns and VR.

Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m trying to adapt PyroDev’s advanced sessions tutorial to VR and I can’t get the pawns to replicate either. Also, I have an oculus. If you ever need to test your project, hit me up. I’m happy to help.