Mixing Animation

Hello. Begin to deal with animations and have a question.
For example, I have a walk animation and animation greeting hand (hand goes up and waves). So, how can I do so that the character was at the same time waving? It turns out you need to take the first animation animation legs and torso, and arms of the second animation and combine …
Tell me how to do it, where to dig, where to read / view the lessons in this regard?

You should watch EPIC’s video tutorials:

From 126 to 143 and read

Layered Blend Per Bone is what your are needed.

Best regards


Use an animation blueprint. Inside that you can have a node playing your walk animation and another one playing your shaking animation. Then you can combine those using a “Layered Blend per Bone” node.
I recommend you to have a look at this series:

thank you very much!

thank you very much!