Assigning a material to all LODs?

When using a mesh that has n LODs, assigning a material from a CB seems to only affect the Base mesh

I would like M_Apple (a simple diffuse material of just red color) to be applied to all LODs. Am I doing something incorrectly?

The material setup in question


The results

At LOD 2


At LOD 1


Base LOD



Just assign the material to the LOD Material slots → they should be directly under LOD 0

That works! So I was basically doing it in the wrong view. I was creating a blueprint, using the Mesh as the Root Component, and assigning the material there. Double-clicking the static mesh in the Content Browser allowed me to assign the material to all LODs as in your picture! Thanks!

thx for clarification, but what would i do, when the mesh that i use, uses different materials all over the level and therefore needs different lod mats also?